Asthma Uncovered - The Ultimate A - Z book on Asthma
Asthma Uncovered - The Ultimate A - Z book on Asthma:
Did You Know?
5,000 people die from asthma every year
470,000 receive asthma treatment
1.9 million treated in emergency rooms
All About Asthma
By Sharon Wicks
While mild asthma isn't considered fatal, severe asthma can cause respiratory failure. Epidemic? Probably not. Disturbing? Absolutely! The last two decades have shown the fastest growing trend in the occurrence of asthma.
This is another of those diseases whose upward surge can find its roots in modern technology.
Environment has a huge role in triggering asthma attacks. For the majority of folks, we work, live and play indoors. Dust, carpet fibers, mold, weather, wood smoke and preservatives are just a few contributing factors. Even specific gastrointestinal infections can cause asthma.
If you or someone you love appears to exhibit symptoms of asthma but you aren't sure of what to look for then 'All About Asthma - What You Need to Know' is just what the doctor ordered.
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